Was thinking about my upcoming 60th birthday and trying to decide how I wanted to celebrate it. No great adventures came to mind, especially ones involving cords, like in bungee cords or rip cords. No jumping out of airplanes or off bridges. That is not how I want to mark this entering of another decade. So I started to think of the things that I really enjoy at this time of my life and I came to the conclusion that they are those things that were once called “small indulgences”. Faith Popcorn coined this phrase in the 80’s while studying upcoming trends. My recent “small indulgences” are rather simple. I enjoy having a cup of coffee in a mug rather than a paper cup and time to enjoy it. That means that I am not in motion like driving in the car. I savor spotting a great blue heron as they wait very patiently to acquire their dinner with the receding tide. I pause to take in the reflections of the boats in the water when the waters are smooth as glass. Zoie, our Cocker Spaniel, gives a great back massage as she jumps into bed with me and snuggles up against my back.
During my job as a Speech Therapist with special needs children in Florida I worked with many older women who lovingly cared and helped these children with their basic needs. When asked how they were they often responded with “I am blessed.“ I love that simple expression. I am truly blessed to be a Grandma. Rocking little Thomas to sleep in my arms, or telling a story to Sienna and watching the rapt expression on her face and getting a knee hug from Nolan as he runs up to me to say “hi Gammy” are precious blessed moments. I enjoy sharing in my grown children’s lives as they enter new stages of life. I can not help but be so proud of each of my children for the good people they have grown up to me. I relish that after 35 years of marriage Jim and still enjoy each other’s company and discuss new adventures that we will share. Thanks to all my friends, sometimes keeping in touch with a simple email, enriching my life with their friendships!
I have also discovered that I love seeking out new experiences at this stage of my life. Not those experiences that provide white knuckle moments but rather those experiences that at just new. Childhood provided those moments of shear pleasure. Riding a bike without training wheels, catching a fish, learning to sing a new song are just a few I can think of. I am forever on the lookout for those new moments of discovery and amazed at how many of those moments still enrich my life.
So on May 5th, I plan on enjoying a cup of coffee while watching the world outside our boat. Visit my grandchildren after work and give my children a call just to say Hi! and see what’s new with them. Jim and I will take Zoie for a walk on the docks. Oh, and I will enjoy another one of my favorite “small indulgences” the cupcake. It will be quite a feat to stick 60 candles in it! And next week I get to celebrate Mother’s Day!!